How to clean and peel the Mexican hawthorn easily?

Many people when they read our recipes ask us what is the best way to peel a Mexican hawthorn. In this article we wanted to explain step by step how to clean and peel the tiles in an easy way and through videos.

We always recommend that if it is for cooking, it is preferable to have the freshest and most natural fruits possible. To clean and then peel the roof tiles, the next technique and the steps we recommend are the best and easiest to take as a result very clean and peeled roof tiles.

Steps to peel the Mexican hawthorn

  • Wash the roof tiles with clean water.
  • While we put the water to boil, the amount of water is proportional to the amount of roof tiles you want to use, we recommend that they are covered.
  • When the water is boiling, pour the Mexican hawthorn into the water for about 3 to 5 minutes. The time can vary, the cooking should always be supervised and we will realize that they are ready when the peel or skin of the weave begins to peel off the dough, it is very easy to notice.
  • After this time, let the fruit cool a little. To speed up this process we can use cold water and introduce the Mexican hawthorn into this water.
  • With this technique we can begin to remove the skin of the Mexican hawthorn and they are clean and peeled for their next recipe.

We’ll leave the video for tutorial purposes.

We hope the article on how to clean and peel the Mexican hawthorn? has served you, and that your Mexican hawthorn have been very clean and well peeled so that you can make a delicious recipe with this fruit so Mexican and so little known, with many benefits and a spectacular aroma.

This coming Christmas the Mexican hawthorn should not miss in your preparations, surely your family will love it. Remember that we have a recipe section with more than 10 delicious preparations that you can make an unforgettable experience for your loved ones. So learn how to peel Mexican hawthorn and make good sweets.

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